Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Beware of ROAD BLOCKS! A Dream Denied

Many people who dream of independence find a franchise that captures their interest. However, after a short time of a few days or a week at most, that interest and even excitement is gone—even before they have done any serious research on the opportunity. What happened? They encountered a ROAD BLOCK! We call this road block “being ambushed.” Feeling ambushed is overwhelming and can stop you right in your tracks; however, you need to evaluate the facts then continue moving forward.

The Spousal Roadblock 
This is a familiar event. The business seeker claims, “I’ve talked it over with my spouse, and he/she says it’s my call. Whatever I want to do is just fine!” Fine until the hopeful owner comes home and starts talking about the franchise. Suddenly, the objections and concerns begin to flow. Soon, the task of business ownership becomes complicated by marital disagreement and what was so promising now appears impossible.

1. Owning a business is a family decision. Even before the search begins, the couple needs honest discussions about the benefits and challenges of business ownership.
2. When there is agreement to go forward, both parties should attend any future discussions together so that each has the same information. Would you want your spouse to buy a house without knowing your opinion? Investing in a business is an even more important decision and calls for full agreement from both partners. An added benefit is that one may ask a question the partner did not consider.

The Friend/Neighbor Roadblock
It is flattering to be asked for your opinion. The minute you mention your interest in a business, your friends and neighbors will cheerfully provide their (uninformed) opinions about your choice.

Why would their choices match yours? They have different backgrounds and interests. Give each opinion the worth it deserves based on the knowledge and business experience of the opinion giver.

The Self & Internet Roadblock 
Often people destroy their own dreams of business ownership by confusing casual inquiry with real research. It is a classic case of “shooting yourself in the foot.” For example, you can be interested in a certain type of business and check out the Yellow Pages or search engines to see how many of them there are. That is interesting - but it tells you nothing about the size of the market, the markets niche or the retail business targets. It may be that the market is undeserved or you might ask a competitor about the business. Don’t expect an unbiased opinion!

Serious research about the industry and the franchise is absolutely required and franchisees already in the business are an excellent source of information. Your FranNet Consultant will coach you through the research process.

Take note of the road blocks, but its time to put the pedal to the metal and starting cruising down the road to success.

I invite you to check out an industry leading franchise opportunity from the comfort of your own home.  On Wednesday, March 18th, join me for a FREE webinar.  The franchisor has multiple revenue streams, lower initial investment, flexible hours, a scalable business model, initial and ongoing franchisor support.  For more information and to register, please visit this link.

You can also contact me directly at bback@frannet.com or 630-862-0396.  I have helped steer many towards business ownership, and even some away from business ownership.  Either way, I’m here to help you with FREE consultation and events.

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